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Zeolite is a mineral composed of aluminosilicates, which means that its chemical structure involves aluminum, silicon and oxygen that are organized in the form of AlO4 and SiO4 crystals. This crystalline composition causes the material to have a network of microporous-sized channels and cavities.

The microporous structure of zeolite gives it a large internal specific surface area that allows it to adsorb particles of specific sizes.

Zeolite is also negatively charged due to the presence of aluminum atoms in the silicon matrix that seek balance by positive ions such as sodium, potassium and calcium. This is why zeolites, due to their chemical composition, have the ability to trap positively charged molecules within their crystals by the process of cation exchange.

Some of the other outstanding characteristics of this material, in addition to adsorption and cation exchange, are thermal stability, high water absorption capacity and also being a catalyst for chemical reactions.

Both the physical and chemical characteristics of zeolite make it useful in various industries and applications.

Zeolite, what is it used for in water filtration?

Zeolite is used in water treatment as a filter media that does not need to be combined with any other media and that can retain contaminants larger than 5 microns, becoming even more efficient than deep bed filters in which other materials are used for the retention of sediments and suspended particles present in the water.

Zeolite, due to its resistance, can operate with higher flow rates and last much longer without the need to be replaced compared to common granular media filters. Due to its chemical characteristics, zeolite can remove contaminants through ion exchange by removing contaminant cations from the water.

Reverse osmosis pretreatment

Zeolite serves to remove sediments and suspended particles by means of its porous structure. By passing through zeolite, the water improves its turbidity while preventing these contaminants from clogging the sensitive reverse osmosis membranes.

Gravity pressure filters

Zeolite improves water quality by reducing turbidity and removing contaminants, with a lower pressure drop compared to other filter media, allowing for superior performance and higher filtration efficiency. The low resistance to water flow through the zeolite allows treatment of larger volumes of water with less energy and greater efficiency.

Wastewater polishing

In the final treatment or “polishing” of wastewater, zeolite is used to remove the last traces of suspended solids. Its high particle capture efficiency significantly improves the clarity of treated water, making it suitable for discharge or reuse.

Removal of precipitated metals

Through ion exchange and adsorption, zeolite can capture metal ions, even after they have been treated to precipitate out of solution.


Zeolite can remove contaminants and adjust water quality to make it more suitable for irrigation, including reducing salinity in certain cases.

Cooling towers

Mechanical adsorption and filtration capabilities effectively reduce deposit formation in systems such as cooling towers, improving heat exchange by keeping heat transfer surfaces clean and efficient.

Use of zeolite in other areas


Oil refining

Zeolite serves to break down larger and more complex hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules by acting as a catalyst, which allows lighter and more valuable products such as gasoline, diesel and other petroleum products to be obtained. Moreover, because the zeolite can be regenerated, it can be reused, which helps to reduce operating costs.

Gas separation

Zeolite also serves to separate gases through its molecular sieving capacity. The porous structure of the zeolite can allow the passage of molecules of one gas while retaining larger molecules of another element. This application also benefits from selective adsorption due to the polarity and structure of the molecules to be separated.

Petrochemical industry

Zeolite is used for the production of polymers and other chemical products due to its high surface area, adjustable acidity, and thermal and chemical stability. Zeolites can act as catalysts to control the molecular structure of polymers, improving the efficiency of the process and the quality of the final product. For example, in the production of polyethylene and polypropylene, two of the most common plastics, zeolites catalyze reactions that link monomers into long chains, or polymers.


Zeolite can also be used in the field of agriculture thanks to its high porosity which, together with its high water holding capacity, allows it to retain moisture to keep it available to plants. In addition, they can act as a reservoir of nutrients that are slowly released for plant development, preventing nutrient leaching.


Zeolite is being investigated for pharmaceutical applications thanks to all its characteristics that could be useful in the controlled release of drugs, dermatological applications, antimicrobial, detoxifying and even applied in food supplements, however, it must be considered that the information on the subject is limited if we talk about zeolite for human consumption.


Natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) is an EU-approved multifunctional feed additive, offering benefits such as improved feed efficiency, reduced mortality and absorption of aflatoxins and mycotoxins. In addition, it contributes to animal health by reducing the level of ammonia in the intestines and improving the odor of excrement.
Its use is widespread as an absorbent on farms to control odors and capture ammonia and in the handling of pig slurry, acting as a slow-release fertilizer and preventing nitrate contamination.
Zeolite is also used in animal bedding for odor control.
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